prp treatment in luton


Filler and Hyaluronic Acid

Filler, composed of injectable gels containing Hyaluronic Acid, a naturally occurring molecule, effectively attracts and binds water in the skin and tissues. Known for their safety, dermal fillers rarely cause allergic reactions.

Versatile in application, fillers correct a range of concerns, addressing fine lines, wrinkles, and replenishing volume in areas such as the cheeks, chin, jaw, or face to enhance structure.

Experience a natural, radiant transformation that smoothens lines and restores youthful contours. Elevate your timeless beauty at Aesthetics Central.

We Offer different types of Filler


Filler Aftercare Guide

What are the possible side effects?

Possible side effects are generally mild or moderate, typically lasting less than 7 to 10 days. Common temporary injection site reactions include redness, pain/tenderness, firmness, swelling, lumps/bumps, bruising, itching, and discoloration.

Serious complications are extremely rare, and if they occur, they can be effectively managed. Additionally, the filler can be dissolved, reversing its effects.

After care and Downtime
  • Use ice to reduce swelling
  • Avoid makeup for 24 hours
  • Refrain from alcohol and vigorous exercises for 48 hours
  • Bruising may appear within a few days; arnica can aid in clearance
  • Avoid aspirin and alcohol for 12-48 hours post-treatment
  • Tenderness diminishes as swelling and bruising subside


Revitalize your beauty with Aesthetics Central’s fillers, crafted with the enriching touch of Hyaluronic Acid. Our fillers seamlessly combat fine lines and wrinkles while restoring volume to areas like cheeks and chin, revealing a naturally radiant you. Versatile and secure, our fillers redefine facial contours, creating a harmonious and youthful appearance. Experience the artistry of aesthetic enhancement with the safest and most effective fillers. Choose Aesthetics Central for a journey to timeless beauty and confidence.


1 mL


Tear troughs & Non surgical Nose Job

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